
Gift 20th Birthday

My dear son, these gifts I give,

Confidence, courage, and creativity live,

Patience and self-love, virtues true,

Embrace them all, and success will ensue.

My dearest son,

As your mother, I want to see you grow into a confident, creative, and self-assured man. There are so many gifts I could give you. Still, the ones that truly matter are the ones that will help you navigate through life's ups and downs and ultimately lead you to a fulfilling and happy life.

First and foremost, I want to instil in you the gift of self-confidence. I want you to know that you can achieve anything you want. With hard work and dedication, you can accomplish your dreams and make them a reality. So believe in yourself, my son, and never let anyone tell you you can't do something.

Another gift I want to bestow upon you is the gift of creativity. I want you to always think outside the box and come up with unique solutions to life's challenges. Use your imagination and unlock new possibilities you may have never considered. So embrace your creativity, my son, and let it guide you to new and exciting paths.

Self-acceptance is also a crucial gift that I want to give you. I want you to make peace with your identity and celebrate your individuality. Don't compare yourself to others or feel you must fit a specific mould. Instead, embrace your quirks and differences, my son, and know they make you truly special.

Courage is another gift I want to impart to you. I want you to have the strength to face your fears and take risks, even when it's scary. Don't let fear keep you from pursuing your passions and living life to the fullest. Take chances and be brave, my son, and you will reap the rewards.

Patience is also an important virtue that I want you to possess. Good things take time to come to fruition, and I want you to understand that things may not always happen as quickly as you'd like. So be patient and trust in the process, my son, and you will see that things will fall into place in due time.

Finally, I want to give you the gift of self-love. You must love and accept yourself for who you are. Celebrate your strengths, acknowledge your weaknesses, and always treat yourself with kindness and compassion.

These gifts I want to impart upon you, my son, will help you lead a fulfilling and happy life. Always remember that I love you and support you in your endeavours.

With love, Mom


Navigating Life's Journey: Embracing Change and Moving Forward

  Life is a remarkable voyage, filled with twists and turns, challenges, and moments of triumph. Navigating this journey can be both exhilarating and daunting as we encounter uncertainties and unexpected detours. This blog post delves into the art of navigating life and embracing change while embracing the essence of moving forward. So let's embark on this transformative exploration together.

Embracing Change: Change is an inevitable part of life, and learning to embrace it is essential for personal growth. Rather than fearing change, we should recognize it as an opportunity for new beginnings. Embracing change allows us to adapt, evolve, and discover our potential. By adopting a flexible mindset and viewing change as a catalyst for self-improvement, we open doors to endless possibilities.

Setting Goals and Direction: Moving forward requires setting clear goals and defining our desired direction. Setting goals helps us create a roadmap, enabling us to focus our energies and make deliberate choices. We gain a sense of purpose and motivation by identifying what truly matters to us and aligning our actions with our aspirations. In addition, goals provide a sense of direction, guiding us through the vast ocean of possibilities.

Embracing Resilience: Life's journey is often peppered with obstacles and setbacks. Cultivating resilience is crucial to navigate through these challenges and continue moving forward. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity, learn from failures, and persevere with unwavering determination. It involves developing coping mechanisms, seeking support from loved ones, and maintaining a positive mindset. Embracing resilience allows us to weather storms and emerge more robust than ever.

Embracing Learning and Growth: Moving forward requires a continuous commitment to learning and personal growth. Life presents us with valuable lessons at every turn, and we must embrace them. In addition, every experience, whether positive or negative, carries an opportunity for growth and self-reflection. By approaching life with a curious and open mind, we broaden our horizons, expand our knowledge, and nurture our personal development.

Cultivating Gratitude and Mindfulness: In the fast-paced nature of modern life, it is essential to cultivate gratitude and mindfulness. Gratitude reminds us to appreciate the present moment, acknowledging the blessings and beauty surrounding us. Mindfulness helps us stay grounded and fully engaged in the present, allowing us to make conscious choices and savour each step of our journey. We find contentment and joy in life's simple pleasures by cultivating gratitude and mindfulness.


As we navigate life, embracing change and moving forward become essential skills. By embracing change, setting goals, cultivating resilience, embracing learning and growth, and cultivating gratitude and mindfulness, we empower ourselves to chart a fulfilling and purposeful path. Remember, life's journey is not about reaching a final destination but about embracing the voyage and finding fulfilment in the continual process of growth and self-discovery. So, set your sails, trust your abilities, and move forward with confidence and courage. The possibilities are boundless, and your journey awaits.


Echoes of British Summer: A German Perspective

 In the land of British summer's pride,
Where lakes shimmer with tranquil glide,
Under a sky so vast and blue,
I shall share a poem from a German point of view.

Behold the lakes, calm and crystal clear,
Reflecting the heavens with pristine cheer.
Like liquid mirrors, gentle and serene,
A captivating sight, no worries intervene.

Along their shores, nature unfolds,
Flourishing blooms and emerald molds.
Wildflowers dance in vibrant array,
Filling the air with fragrant display.

Beneath the sun's warm, embracing light,
The sky dons a robe of brilliant height.
Clouds, delicate veils on this vast canvas,
Paint a picture of tranquility and solace.

A gentle breeze caresses my face,
As I wander through this idyllic space.
The birds' songs, a melodious blend,
Compose a symphony of peace without end.

Time stands still, moments intertwine,
A sanctuary of calm, so divine.
A symphony of beauty, forever treasured,
A British summer's dream, never measured.

Let us cherish these precious days,
Where British summer casts its magical rays.
In the embrace of lakes so fair,
Under a sky of blue, without a care.

Remembering My Beloved Father: Marking 18 Years Since His Departure

    Today, I find myself standing at a crossroads of emotions as I commemorate the 17th anniversary of my father's passing. It feels like yesterday when we bid him farewell, yet the years have swiftly passed, leaving behind cherished memories and a deep void in my heart. In this blog post, I want to take a moment to reflect on the life and legacy of my dear father, to honour his memory and the profound impact he had on my life.

My father was more than just a parent; he was my guiding light, source of strength. His unconditional love, unwavering support, and presence warmed every room. He taught me the importance of kindness, integrity, and perseverance, instilling values that continue to shape my character today. Through his love and guidance, I have grown into the person I am now.

As I reminisce about our countless memories, I am flooded with emotions. From the carefree days of my childhood to the transformative moments of my adolescence, my father was always there, cheering me on and offering invaluable advice. I remember his infectious laughter, comforting embrace, and the sparkle in his eyes whenever he saw me achieve a milestone. These memories serve as a bittersweet reminder of our connection's depth and his profound impact on my life's trajectory.

One of the greatest gifts my father bestowed upon me was his wisdom. He had a way of imparting invaluable life lessons with grace and humility. His words of encouragement still echo in my mind, inspiring me to face challenges head-on and never lose sight of my dreams. Even in his absence, his teachings continue to guide me, reminding me of the strength and resilience I inherited from him.

Eighteen years may have passed since my father's departure, but his legacy lives on. His impact extends far beyond our immediate family, touching the lives of all those who had the privilege of knowing him. The love, kindness, and compassion he radiated continue to inspire others, and his memory remains etched in the hearts of those who were fortunate enough to cross his path. As I share stories about him with my children, I am reminded of the importance of passing down his legacy, ensuring that his spirit endures through the generations.

On this solemn anniversary, I find solace in the act of reflection. I am grateful for my time with my father, the lessons he taught me, and the love he showered. While the pain of his absence still lingers, I focus on the joy he brought into my life and the beautiful memories we created together. This day serves as a poignant reminder to cherish our precious moments with our loved ones and honour their memory by living purposefully and authentically.

Grief is a journey unique to each individual, and over the years, I have discovered ways to cope with the loss of my father. It's essential to allow yourself to grieve, to feel the emotions that arise, and to seek support from loved ones or professionals if needed. Surrounding myself with family and friends who understood my grief and shared memories of my father has been a tremendous source of comfort. In addition, engaging in activities that bring me joy and channelling my emotions into creative outlets has helped me navigate the healing process.

As I mark my 18th year since my father's passing, I am filled with mixed emotions; Sadness for the loss, gratitude for our love, and a deep longing to be in his presence again. While time may soften the pain, the memory of my father remains vivid and cherished. My father his influence will forever be a part of me. So today, I choose to celebrate his life, honour his legacy, and carry forward the lessons he imparted.

Surviving grief is a profoundly personal journey, and there is no right or wrong way to navigate it. However, I have found some strategies that have helped me. First and foremost, being patient and kind to yourself is essential. Grief is not something that can be neatly resolved or rushed. It is a process that unfolds in its own time, and allowing yourself the space to feel and heal is crucial.

Finding a support system is vital during times of grief. Surrounding yourself with understanding and compassionate individuals can provide comfort and solace. Whether it's family, close friends, or support groups, having people there to listen and share memories can be immensely healing.

Engaging in self-care practices is also essential. Taking care of your physical, emotional, and mental well-being can help you navigate the waves of grief. It involves finding activities that bring you joy, such as hobbies, exercise, or leisure time in nature. Additionally, practising mindfulness and self-reflection can aid in processing emotions and finding inner peace.

Preserving your loved one's memory is a powerful way to honour their legacy.

For me, sharing stories, looking at old photographs, or participating in activities my father enjoyed helps keep his spirit alive. In addition, creating rituals or dedicating special moments to commemorate them can provide a sense of connection and ensure their memory endures.

Lastly, it is essential to remember that grief has no expiration date. Even years after losing a loved one, certain days or anniversaries can bring intense emotions. It is okay to experience moments of sadness or longing. However, embracing these feelings and finding healthy coping methods can contribute to healing and growth.

As I reflect on the 17th anniversary of my father's passing, I am reminded of the love, strength, and resilience that he embodied. Though the pain of his absence will always linger, his memory continues to inspire and guide me. I am grateful for the time we shared, the lessons he taught me, and his profound impact on my life. Today, I choose to honour his memory by living a life that reflects the love and values he instilled in me.

Rest in peace, dear father. You are forever loved and deeply missed.

A Life Unseen, Yet Forever Felt: Remembering My Brother's Meaningful Journey

Dear Diary,

Today, I reflect on a person I never had the chance to meet fully, my brother. He lived a short but meaningful life, leaving a lasting impact on our family and those who had the privilege of knowing him. While he may be physically absent from my life, his spirit and the stories surrounding him have been woven into our family's narrative.

I heard countless tales about my brother—his infectious laughter, mischievous adventures, and unwavering kindness. Our shared memories have painted a vivid picture of a person with a zest for life, a compassionate heart, and an indomitable spirit.

I understood that he had an innate ability to bring joy to those around him. He had a way of lighting up a room, spreading laughter, and finding beauty in the simplest moments. So, even though I was not fortunate enough to experience his presence firsthand, I am grateful for the opportunity to glimpse into his life through the memories of those who held him dear.

As I reflect on his life, I am reminded of the fragility and preciousness of our existence. His untimely departure is a stark reminder that life's moments should never be taken for granted. The brevity of his journey serves as a catalyst for me to live each day with purpose and gratitude, cherishing my connections with those around me.

Though my heart aches for the moments, I will never share with my brother. Instead, I am comforted by the thought that he continues to live on in the hearts of our family. His impact in his short time with us is a testament to the depth of his character and the love he shared. His presence, albeit ethereal, continues to guide us, reminding us to embrace life, embrace one another, and find beauty in even the most challenging circumstances.

In moments of introspection, I often wonder what our relationship might have been like if fate had allowed us to cross paths. Would we have been confidants, partners in mischief, or sources of unwavering support for each other? While these questions remain unanswered, I focus on my gratitude for being part of a family that values and honours his memory.

The impact of my brother's life extends far beyond our immediate family. His essence reaches others through our stories, reminding them of the power of love, resilience, and compassion. His legacy serves as a reminder that no matter how short our time on this Earth may be, we can touch lives and leave an indelible mark on the world.

Today, I dedicate this diary entry to my brother—the person I never fully met. I honour his memory by living a life that reflects the values he embodied and by carrying forward his spirit of joy, kindness, and resilience. Though our paths never crossed, he remains forever in my heart, a guiding light that reminds me of the beauty and fragility of life.

Rest in peace, dear brother. Your memory lives on, and your impact continues to inspire us all.

With love,

Embracing Life's Dance: Grief and the Beauty of Being

In the midst of life's grand symphony,

A melody of joy and woe,

I find myself embracing grief,

As life's mysterious ebb and flow.

For grief, dear friend, is not the end,

But a companion on this earthly quest,

It weaves its threads within our souls,

A tapestry of love and unrest.

Through tear-stained eyes, I glimpse the world,

In hues of sorrow and delight,

The deepest sorrows often yield,

The brightest sparks of inner light.

I live my life with open arms,

Embracing joy, embracing pain,

For in the depths of sorrow's realm,

I find a strength that helps me gain.

With each setback, each shattered dream,

I rise anew, with spirit strong,

For grief has taught me how to glean,

The lessons from each mournful song.

In moments of despair and ache,

I learn to cherish what remains,

The fleeting joys that grace my path,

And memories that forever sustain.

I dance amidst the swirling tides,

Of life's uncertain, shifting shore,

With grief as my reluctant guide,

I discover depths I've yet to explore.

For it is in embracing grief,

That I unearth true empathy,

To hold the hearts of those who weep,

And offer solace tenderly.

And as I navigate this dance,

Between sorrow's grasp and life's embrace,

I learn to find a newfound balance,

A harmony of grief and grace.

So let us live with open hearts,

And welcome grief with open arms,

For in the depths of its embrace,

We discover life's enduring charms.

For life, my dear, is not unscathed,

By grief's caress, it finds its worth,

In every tear and every ache,

We find the beauty of rebirth.

So let us live and let us grieve,

With hearts wide open, spirits true,

For in embracing life and loss,

We find the strength to start anew.

In this intricate tapestry we weave,

Living life while embracing grief,

We find the beauty, oh so brief,

In every joy and every leaf.

And so we dance this fragile dance,

Between the tears and laughter's release,

Embracing life's exquisite chance,

To find solace and inner peace.

Navigating Grief, Depression, and Anxiety—A Personal Reflection

  Dear Diary,

Today, I find myself delving into the depths of my emotions as I reflect on the challenges of dealing with grief, depression, and anxiety. These complex experiences have woven themselves into the fabric of my life, leaving me with a profound understanding of the ups and downs that come with them. Through this diary entry, I aim to capture the personal reflections and lessons I've learned on this ongoing journey.

Grief has been a constant companion, whispering its presence even in moments of joy. The loss of loved ones and the subsequent waves of sorrow has left deep imprints on my heart. I've come to understand that grief is not something to be conquered or pushed away. Instead, it is a natural response to loss, a testament to our love for those who have left this earthly realm. In embracing my grief, I've found solace in honouring their memories, cherishing the lessons they taught me, and holding onto the precious moments we shared. Grief has taught me that healing is a process that unfolds at its own pace, and it is through patience and self-compassion that I can navigate its intricate labyrinth.

Depression has cast shadows on my path, obscuring the light of hope and dimming the colours of life. It was during those moments when I felt the weight of sadness, hopelessness, and disinterest that I realized the importance of seeking support. Opening up to trusted confidants and seeking professional help has been a lifeline in my journey. Through therapy, I've gained insights into my thoughts and emotions, learning coping strategies to navigate the depths of depression. It is an ongoing battle, but with each step forward, I discover resilience and strength I never knew I possessed.

Anxiety has woven its tendrils into my existence, whispering fears and doubts in the quiet corners of my mind. The constant worry, the racing heartbeat, and the gripping sense of unease have, at times, threatened to overpower me. Yet, I have learned that anxiety does not define me. Instead, I have cultivated a greater awareness of the present moment through mindfulness practices, grounding myself in the here and now. Breathing deeply, acknowledging my fears, and challenging negative thoughts have become tools to tame the anxious whispers and find moments of calm amidst the chaos.

In this personal reflection, I understand that navigating grief, depression, and anxiety is as unique as each individual's fingerprint. It is not a linear path but a winding, ever-changing road. It requires courage to face the depths of these emotions, vulnerability to seek support, and the willingness to show compassion to oneself.

Today, as I write these words, I am reminded of the strength I have gained through these experiences. The journey has been arduous, but it has also been transformative. My grief, my depression, or my anxiety do not define me. They are a part of me but do not dictate my entire story. I am a survivor, a fighter, and a witness to my resilience.

With each passing day, I strive to cultivate self-care practices, surround myself with understanding and compassionate souls, and embrace the moments of joy that dance amidst struggles. Through this delicate balance, I continue to find healing, growth, and the beauty of being alive.

Dear Diary, I entrust these reflections to your pages, knowing that they serve as a reminder of my journey and a testament to the strength within me. May my words resonate with others walking a similar path, reminding them they are not alone and that healing is possible.

With love and gratitude,

Fragments of Soul

Living, Dying, and Thriving

Gathering fragments of soul,
 Like scattered pieces of a whole, 
Each one unique,
 yet part of a grander scheme,
 A journey to discover what it all means.

We search for meaning in the chaos, 
In the moments of joy and the moments of loss,
 We gather up our souls, Piece by Piece, 
Until we find a sense of peace.

But even when we've found our way, 
There's still a price we have to pay,
 For life is fleeting, and time slips away,
 And we know we'll die another day.

So we gather up our souls once more, 
And brace ourselves for what's in store, 
We know that life is bittersweet, 
But we keep going, with hearts replete.

For even though we'll one day die,
 We'll leave a legacy that won't be denied, 
And our souls will live on in memories, 
As we gather up the fragments of our destinies.

We gather up the moments of bliss, 
The laughter and the tenderest of kisses, 
The times we stood tall and faced our fears, 
And the moments that reduced us to tears.

We gather up the lessons we've learned, 
And the bridges that we've crossed and burned, 
The people who've touched us in some way,
 And the love that we've given and received each day.

And though we know that death will come,
 We keep on living, we keep on from, 
For the fragments of our souls we've gathered, 
Are the very things that make our lives matter.

So let us cherish each passing day, 
And the moments that take our breath away,
 For as long as we keep gathering our souls, 
We'll keep on living; we'll keep on whole.

But sometimes, in the gathering of our souls, 
We come across fragments that take a toll,
 Pieces that are shattered and broken, 
Memories that leave us hurt and unspoken.

These fragments of pain, 
they haunt us so, 
Dragging us down to the depths below,
 The wounds they leave are deep and raw, 
And the healing seems like an endless chore.

Yet, we gather them up all the same, 
For even in darkness, there's a flame, 
A glimmer of hope that keeps us alive, 
A strength that we find in the darkest of dives.

And so we gather, through the pain and the strife, 
Pieces of our soul that cut like a knife, 
For we know that even in the face of death, 
Our soul will survive with every breath.

For every fragment we gather and hold, 
Is a part of us that can never grow old,
 A piece of our essence that's beyond the grave,
 A legacy that only the soul can save.

And so we gather, and we die another day,
 Knowing that our soul will find a way, 
To live on, in memories and love, 
And to guide us to the heavens above.


Unlocking Your Potential

The Power of Visualization for Personal Growth

Reflecting on my personal growth journey, I realise how powerful visualisation has shaped my life. When I first started practising visualisation, I was sceptical about its effectiveness. However, as I continued to visualise my goals and desires, I noticed a shift in my mindset and actions.

I gained clarity on what I truly wanted in my life through visualisation. I could identify my values, passions, and strengths and align them with my goals. The visualisation also helped me overcome limiting beliefs and negative self-talk holding me back.

In addition to visualisation, I incorporated other techniques, such as affirmations and gratitude, into my daily routine. These practices helped me stay focused, motivated, and positive, even in challenging times.

Looking back on my journey, I am amazed at how far I have come. I have achieved many goals, including starting my own business, travelling to new places, and building solid relationships. However, the most significant change has been the transformation within myself. As a result, I am more confident, resilient, and fulfilled than ever before.

Visualisation is a powerful tool anyone can use to create their desired life. It requires commitment, consistency, and patience, but the results are worth it. Visualisation has helped me realise my full potential and live authentically and meaningfully.

  • If you want to incorporate visualisation into your personal growth journey, here are some tips to get started:
  • First, find a quiet, comfortable space where you won't be disturbed. This could be a quiet room in your house, a park, or any place you feel relaxed.
  • Set an intention for your visualisation practice. This could be a specific goal you want to achieve, a change you want to make, or simply a desire to connect with your inner self.
  • Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to calm your mind and body. Then, focus on your breath and release any tension or stress you may be holding.
  • Visualise your desired outcome. Imagine yourself in the scenario you want to create, and make the image as vivid and natural as possible. Include all the details, such as your surroundings, actions, and emotions.
  • Focus on the positive emotions that come with this scenario. Allow yourself to feel the joy, excitement, and fulfilment of living this experience.
  • Repeat this exercise regularly, ideally daily, to reinforce positive thinking patterns and manifest your desires.

Remember that visualisation is a personal practice, and there is no right or wrong way to do it. The key is to find what works best for you and incorporate it into your daily routine. You may also want to experiment with different techniques, such as visualisation boards or guided meditations, to enhance your practice.

Visualisation is a powerful tool to help you create your desired life. By tapping into your inner resources and unleashing your full potential, you can achieve your goals and live a fulfilling life. So, start practising visualisation today and see the positive changes it brings to your life.

Love and Grief: Two Sides of Life's Coin

Love and grief are intertwined,

Two sides to a coin that we find,

 One cannot exist without the other, 

For it's the depth of love that we discover.

We cannot avoid the pain of loss,

 Nor can we dismiss the emotional cost,

For the depth of our love is measured,

In the grief that we feel when it's treasured.

Our past can hold us back,

The patterns we repeat are like a track,

But it's up to us to break free,

To create a life that's meant to be.

We must confront the negative patterns we've learned,

And let go of the pain that we've earned,

For it's only in releasing the past,

That we can truly live and last.

Take the time to explore your discontent,

Identify the source and make a dent,

In the barriers that hold you back,

For it's your life, and that's a fact.

Love and grief may seem like a heavy load,

But it's through them that we grow and behold,

The beauty of life and the depth of our soul,

As we journey forward and become whole.

Small Steps to Organize Your Space and Mind

Organizing your space and mind can be daunting, but it doesn't have to be. By implementing these small steps consistently, you can create a more organized and clutter-free environment that will help you stay focused and productive. 

  • Start Your Day by Making Your Bed Making your bed first thing in the morning can give you a sense of accomplishment and motivate you to tackle the rest of your day.
  • Put Away Your Coats and Shoes Keep your entryway clutter-free by putting away your outerwear in its designated spots.
  • Recycle Junk Mail Prevent unwanted clutter from entering your home by recycling junk mail before it piles up.
  • Put Clean Dishes Away Avoid having dirty dishes pile up by putting them away immediately after washing.
  • Keep Clothes Off the Floor and Furniture. Maintain a tidy bedroom by putting dirty clothes in the laundry and clean clothes in their designated drawers or closet.
  • Use a Drop-Zone for Your Keys and Change Keep track of your keys and change by consistently using a designated drop-zone.
  • Keep Bathroom Toiletries Off the Counter Maximize counter space and create a cleaner bathroom environment by keeping toiletries organized and stored away.
  • Put Office/School Items Away Minimize visual clutter and improve focus by putting away office or school items in their designated spots.
  • Empty Your Car When You Arrive Home Avoid a cluttered car by removing any items brought in at the end of each day.
  • Wash Snack Dishes Immediately Avoid having dirty dishes pile up by washing snack dishes immediately after use.
  • Store Kitchen Appliances Out of Sight. Free up counter space by storing appliances like toasters and blenders in cabinets or on shelves.
  • Clean Up Toys and Gadgets After Use Teach children (and yourself) the importance of tidiness by cleaning up toys and gadgets after use.
  • Flatten and Store Cardboard Boxes Save space and reduce clutter by flattening and storing cardboard boxes.
  • Put Away Remote Controls Prevent remote controls from cluttering up living spaces by putting them back where they belong after use.
  • Return Chargers and Cords to Drawers Prevent cords and chargers from cluttering shared spaces by storing them in designated drawers.
  • Fold Blankets After Use Create a tidier living space by folding blankets after use instead of leaving them wadded up on the couch.
  • Empty Full Trash Cans and Bins Avoid overflowing trash immediately by emptying full cans and bins.
  • Store Reading Materials in Designated Spots Reduce visual clutter by storing reading materials like magazines and books in designated spots.
  • Throw Out Expired Leftovers and Food Keep your fridge and pantry clutter-free by disposing of expired or spoiled food.
  • Put Away Tools Avoid cluttered workspaces by putting tools away after use.
  • File Papers Prevent paper clutter by filing papers in their designated spots.

By incorporating these small steps into your daily routine, you can create a more organized and productive environment that will help you stay focused and motivated.

Bored with TV Shows? Here are 10 Fun Hobbies to Try

Do you feel bored with your usual routine of watching TV shows? Then, it's time to break the monotony and try exciting hobbies that keep you entertained and help you become more productive. Whether you are looking for a solo escape or want to bond with friends, there is a hobby for everyone to try. Journaling: Writing in a journal is an excellent way to reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. You can choose from various journaling techniques, such as bullet journaling, gratitude journaling, or free writing, to find what works best for you.
  • Calligraphy: If you're a handwriting and lettering fan, calligraphy might be your hobby. With many online resources, you can quickly learn how to create beautiful lettering to elevate your note-taking and writing game.
  • Gardening: Connect with nature and start a garden, no matter how small or big your space is. Whether you want to grow herbs, flowers, or vegetables, gardening is a relaxing and rewarding hobby that provides fresh produce and beautiful outdoor space.
  • Cooking, Baking, and Pickling: Get creative in the kitchen and experiment with new recipes. There is always something new to try, from baking cakes to pickling vegetables. In addition, cooking can be a fun social activity to enjoy with friends or family.
  • Candle Making: Unleash your creativity and create candles with different scents and designs. Candle-making is a fun and therapeutic hobby that can add a personal touch to your home decor.
  • Crocheting: Learn how to crochet and create anything from scarves to blankets to amigurumi. There are many patterns and tutorials available online, making it easy to get started on this relaxing and rewarding hobby.
  • Painting: Discover your inner artist and express yourself through painting. Painting is a great way to unwind and create something beautiful to display in your home, whether using acrylics, watercolours, or oils.
  • Punch Needling and Embroidery: Get creative with fabric and thread by learning to punch a needle or embroider. These hobbies can create various items, from clothing to home decor.
  • Makeup Artistry: If you enjoy experimenting with different makeup looks, why not try becoming your makeup artist? Learn new techniques and practice different looks to find the best for you.
  • Photography: Capture the beauty of the world around you with photography. Whether using a professional camera or just your smartphone, photography is a fun and rewarding hobby that allows you to express your creativity.

 There are many hobbies to choose from that can keep you entertained and productive, even if you're bored with TV shows. So, why not try something new and see where it takes you? Happy hobby hunting!

Reconnect with Yourself

Rediscovering Your True Identity and Living a Fulfilling Life

Do you ever feel like you've lost your sense of self? Perhaps you've been so focused on caring for others that you've forgotten what makes you happy, or maybe you've been living in a role that doesn't align with your true identity. Whatever the reason, feeling disconnected from yourself can be a frustrating and overwhelming experience.

As a holistic coach, I work with women struggling to reconnect with themselves and rediscover their true identities. In this blog post, I'll share some ideas, examples, and tips to help you do the same.

  •  Practice self-reflection One of the first steps to reconnecting with yourself is to take some time for self-reflection. This can involve asking yourself questions like "What do I value?" or "What are my strengths?" Also, journaling is a way to explore your thoughts and emotions.
  • Identify your passions. Think about the things that bring you joy and excitement. It could be painting, hiking, or cooking. Whatever it is, make time for those activities and prioritise them in your life.
  • Set boundaries. Learning to say "no" to things that don't align with your values or bring you happiness is essential to reconnecting with yourself. Setting boundaries can be complex, but it's essential for creating a life that aligns with your true identity.
  • Embrace your authentic self. Sometimes we wear masks or hide our true selves to fit in or please others. However, embracing your authentic self can lead to greater happiness and fulfilment. It's okay to be different and unique, and in fact, that's what makes us all interesting.
  • Seek support. Reconnecting with yourself can be challenging, and support is essential along the way. This can come in the form of a coach, therapist, or supportive friends and family members.

For example, one of my clients, Sarah, had spent years working in a corporate job that didn't align with her true passions or values. As a result, she felt like she had lost touch with herself and struggled to find meaning in her life. Through my coaching sessions, Sarah ( not her real name ) was able to identify her passions and strengths. As a result, she ultimately decided to leave her job and start her own business. As a result, she now feels a greater sense of purpose and fulfilment in her life.

Another example is Mia, who was so focused on caring for her family and others that she had forgotten what made her happy. Through journaling and self-reflection, Mia (not her real name ) could identify and prioritise her passions. As a result, she now makes time for painting and other creative hobbies, which has brought her a renewed sense of joy.

 Reconnecting with yourself and rediscovering your true identity can be a transformative experience. By practising self-reflection, identifying your passions, setting boundaries, embracing your authentic self, and seeking support, you can create a life that aligns with your values and brings you happiness and fulfilment. If you're ready to take the first step towards this journey, reach out to me and let's start this process of self-discovery together!

Springtime Blooms

As springtime blooms with radiant light,
Like a burst of colour in a painter's sight,
Shadows dance upon the ground,
Like a waltz of darkness that's profound,
A contrast of dark and bright,
Like a yin-yang balance in sight,
In the paths of life, we've found,
Like a labyrinth where we're bound.
For every step, we take with grace,
Like a dancer moving in space,
A shadow falls behind,
Like a faithful friend that's kind,
A reminder of the earthly race,
Like a clock ticking at a steady pace,
That we're on until we find,
Like a treasure that's left behind.
The end of life's long winding road,
Like a story with a heavy load,
Where shadows fade away,
Like a mist on a sunny day.
And we're left with what we sowed,
Like a harvest that's fully grown,
In the light of every day,
Like a sun that brightens our way.
But in the springtime, shadows play,
Like actors in a grand display,
A game of light and dark,
Like a dance with a playful spark,
A contrast of the night and day,
Like a melody with a different sway,
Of the journey that we embark on,
Like a ship that sails in the dark.
So let us bask in springtime's glow,
Like a river that gently flows,
And cherish every stride,
Like a precious moment that's alive,
For in the light and shadows' flow,
Like a river that ebbs and flows,
Our life's path we must abide,
Like a sailor that sets a course with pride.


The Interconnectedness of Love and Grief

A Personal Reflection on Taking Responsibility for Your Life

Reflecting on my life, I realize that love and grief are intertwined. You can't have one without the other. The pain of losing someone you love is a testament to the depth of your love. It's a reminder of the bond that you had and the impact that they had on your life. But, unfortunately, avoiding grief means avoiding love altogether, and that's not a life that most of us want to lead.

The patterns and experiences of our past can have a profound impact on our present and future. For example, our upbringing and environment shape our beliefs, emotions, and behaviours. Sometimes, we carry these patterns without even realizing it, and they can hold us back from living our best lives.

It's important to acknowledge the discomfort that we feel and explore the source of it. If we are missing something in our lives or need something we didn't receive, we must take responsibility and make a change. Of course, we can't expect others to understand our unique experiences and perspectives, but we can take the time to understand ourselves.

For me, this meant confronting the negative patterns that I learned from my family and upbringing. I had to identify the conditioning and trauma holding me back and actively work to break those patterns. It wasn't easy, but I needed to move forward and create the life I wanted.

If you're feeling stuck or discontent in your life, take the time to explore it. First, be honest with yourself and identify the source of your discomfort. Then, take action to make a change. It's your life, and you have the power to create the future that you want.

So, embrace love and grief as a package deal, and use them as a reminder of the depth of the relationships in your life. Then, take responsibility for your journey and create the life you truly deserve.


It's a feeling of anticipation,
mixed with uncertainty,
a longing for something,
yet unsure of its certainty.
Therapeutic Photography by Z


A Symphony Unheard

The flicker of a heartbeat,
A symphony yet to be played,
An unborn child, a melody,
A harmony is yet to be made.
A symphony of life, yet to begin,
A symphony of love, yet to spin,
But as fate would have it,
The symphony was never to begin.
With eyes closed and still so small,
A world of possibilities for all,
But the symphony was silenced,
Before the first note was called.
A symphony of death,
A symphony unheard,
An unborn child, a memory,
A symphony forever blurred.
A flicker of a heartbeat,
A symphony forever still,
An unborn child, a loss,
A symphony of grief to fill.
Though the symphony was never played,
The love and hope remain,
For the unborn child, a symphony unheard,
Will forever in our hearts remain.

Shining Star

I look far and hard for your shining star.
Days are doomed, and nights are dark
I feel your pain, your heart so stark.
As you search for a guiding spark
A shining star to light your way.
Through the darkness and the dismay
Days are doomed, and nights are dark.
But don't give up. Keep on the mark.
For though it seems so far away
Hope can still dawn a brand new day.
Search high and low, and look within.
For the light that's always been
A flame that burns deep in your soul
And can guide you to a brighter goal.
It's okay to feel lost and alone.
But don't forget, you've always.
grown Stronger with each trial and test
And that strength can help you find your best
So keep on searching, far and wide.
And don't let the darkness be your guide.
Though the road may seem so long
Your shining star is never truly gone.

The Journey of Life

The first word whispered soft and low,
A promise of a journey to know.
A spark of life, a brand new start, With every breath, a brand new heart.
As days pass, the words flow free, A story told a melody.
Each verse and line, a work of art, With every beat, a brand new heart.
We laugh, we love, we shed some tears,
Through joy and pain, through triumphs and fears.
But with every step we take, we learn and grow,
In this journey, we'll find out who we know.
And when the last song comes to play,
The final note, the dying day,
We'll close our eyes and take a breath,
And know that life, it knows no death.
For, in the end, the words remain,
Echoing on, forever in the refrain.
The first word, the last song,
A journey long, where we belong.
In this journey of life, we'll find our way.
With every step, we'll pave the way.
We'll leave our mark and make our stand,
And in the end, we'll hold our own hand.
So let us sing and dance and play,
For in this journey, we'll find our way.
From the first word to the last song, we'll shine so bright,
And in our hearts, our journey will always ignite


Empty Hand

I hear your sorrow in your words.
As you mourn what once was yours, Happiness,
Now lost and gone Leaving you with a heart so forlorn.
The coldness creeps into your days.
A chill that never goes away
Eternity looms in front of you.
And the weight of it feels so true.
You search and search for what was lost.
But it seems that Happiness has been tossed.
Far away from where you stand
Leaving you with an empty hand
But do not give up, my dear friend.
For Happiness can be found again.
Though it may seem out of sight
It still exists within your own light.
It's okay to grieve what was before
But don't let it keep you from exploring more.
New joys can still be found.
And with them, Happiness can abound.
So take a step and look around.
See the beauty that surrounds
Open up your heart once more.
And let Happiness come to your door.

A Guide to Death Cleaning, Choosing Minimalism, and Decluttering Your Life

Death Cleaning: A Path to Introspection and Self-Reflection

Death is often considered taboo, something we don't like to think about or discuss. However, the process of death cleaning - decluttering and organising one's possessions to make it easier for loved ones to deal with after one's passing - can catalyse a deeper level of self-reflection and introspection. 
As I have begun the process of death cleaning myself, I have found that it has forced me to confront my own mortality and consider the legacy I want to leave behind. Here are some of the insights I have gained through this process:
  • Prioritising what matters One of the most significant benefits of death cleaning is that it helps you prioritise what truly matters in your life. As you sort through your possessions, ask yourself, "Does this item bring me joy or serve a purpose?" If the answer is no, it may be time to let it go. This process can extend beyond physical possessions to all areas of your life. By focusing on what truly brings you joy and fulfilment, you can make more intentional choices about spending your time and energy.
  • Recognising the value of experiences As I have sorted through my possessions, I have realised that the memories of experiences with loved ones are far more valuable than any material possession. As a result, I have consciously created meaningful experiences and built lasting memories with those I care about. By prioritising experiences over possessions, I can connect with others on a deeper level and create more meaningful relationships.
Preparing for the future Death Cleaning has made me more aware of the need to plan for the future, both in terms of my own end-of-life planning and preparing my loved ones for my passing. By taking steps to prepare, I can ease the burden on my loved ones during a difficult time.

  • This can include creating a will, discussing end-of-life wishes with family members, and making financial arrangements to ensure your loved ones are cared for after you are gone.

  • Gratitude for the present Reflecting on death has also made me more aware of the preciousness of life and the importance of gratitude for the present moment. I can find joy and mean daily by focusing on the present and practising gratitude.

  • This can include taking time to appreciate the small things in life, such as a beautiful sunset or a good cup of coffee, and expressing gratitude for the people in my life who bring me happiness and support.
 Death cleaning may seem like a daunting and unpleasant task. Still, it can be a powerful tool for self-reflection and introspection. We can live a more meaningful and fulfilling life by prioritising what truly matters, recognising the value of experiences, preparing for the future, and practising gratitude for the present. Death cleaning, decluttering and organising one's possessions can lead to deeper self-reflection and introspection. It allows us to confront our own mortality and prioritise what truly matters in our lives. Through this process, we can learn to recognise the value of experiences over material possessions, prepare for the future, and express gratitude for the present moment. 
Additionally, death cleaning can be a path towards living a minimalist lifestyle. By letting go of possessions that no longer serve a purpose, we can simplify our lives and focus on the things that bring us joy and fulfilment. Living with less can help us reduce stress and increase our overall well-being.

Through my experience with death cleaning, I have learned that living a minimalist lifestyle is not about depriving oneself of possessions. Instead, it's about letting go of the excess and focusing on what is truly important. It's about creating space in our lives for the things that matter most - our relationships, experiences, and personal growth.

Living a minimalist lifestyle has taught me to be intentional with my choices and to value quality over quantity. It has allowed me to appreciate what I have rather than constantly striving for more. I have found greater clarity, peace, and contentment by living with less.

 Death cleaning is not just a practical process of preparing for the end of life. Instead, it can be a powerful tool for personal growth and a more intentional, minimalist lifestyle. By letting go of the excess and focusing on what truly matters, we can simplify our lives and find greater meaning and purpose.
Here are some additional tips for those interested in pursuing a minimalist lifestyle:
  • Start small - It can be overwhelming to declutter an entire house simultaneously. Instead, start with one room or even one category of possessions, such as clothing or books. This will allow you to ease into the process and build momentum.
  • Keep what brings you joy - When deciding what to keep and what to let go of, focus on what brings you joy and serves a purpose in your life. If an item doesn't bring you happiness or serve a practical function, consider letting it go.
  • Consider the environmental impact - Minimalism is about simplifying our lives and reducing our environmental impact. For example, consider donating or selling items in good condition rather than throwing them away.
  • Invest in quality over quantity - Instead of buying cheap, low-quality items that will quickly wear out and need to be replaced, invest in high-quality items that will last longer and serve you better in the long run.
  • Embrace experiences over material possessions - Instead of accumulating more possessions, focus on building meaningful experiences with loved ones. Whether taking a trip together or simply spending quality time together, these experiences will bring more lasting happiness than any material possession ever could.

By embracing minimalism, we can simplify our lives, reduce our impact on the environment, and focus on what truly brings us joy and fulfilment. It's a process that requires intentionality and mindfulness, but the rewards are well worth it.
Sorting through the possessions of a loved one who has passed away can be complex and emotional. Here are some tips to help you through the process:
  • Give yourself time - Sorting through a loved one's possessions can be emotionally and physically overwhelming. Don't rush the process; give yourself time to go through everything.
  • Start with the easy stuff - Begin with items that are easier to sort, such as clothing or books. This will help you build momentum and feel accomplished as you progress.
  • Involve family and friends - Enlist the help of family and friends to sort possessions together. This can provide emotional support and help you decide what to keep and let go of.
  • Consider the wishes of your loved one - If your loved one left behind specific instructions or requests for their possessions, honour their wishes as much as possible.
  • Keep sentimental items - It's essential to keep items that hold sentimental value, even if they don't serve a practical purpose. These items can provide comfort and serve as a connection to your loved one.
  • Donate or sell items - Consider donating or selling items still in good condition. This can provide a sense of closure and ensure the possessions are used well.
  • Take breaks when needed - Sorting through possessions can be emotionally taxing. Take breaks when needed to rest, reflect, and recharge.
Remember that everyone grieves differently, and there is no right or wrong way to go through sorting through a loved one's possessions. Be gentle with yourself and allow yourself to feel a range of emotions as you work through the process.

Tips for Death Cleaning: 

  • Prioritise what matters
  • Recognise the value of experiences
  • Prepare for the future
  • Practice gratitude for the present
  • Give yourself time to process emotions

Tips for Choosing Minimalism:

  • Start small
  • Keep what brings you joy
  • Consider the environmental impact
  • Invest in quality over quantity
  • Embrace experiences over material possessions

Tips for Decluttering:

  • Donate or sell items in good condition
  • Let go of items that no longer serve a purpose
  • Sort through possessions with family and friends
  • Take breaks when needed
  • Keep sentimental items

By following these tips, you can simplify your life, reduce your impact on the environment, and focus on what truly brings you joy and fulfilment. Remember that these processes take time and require intentionality, but the rewards are well worth it.

Hashtgs: #deathcleaning #minimalism #decluttering


Life was once a simple stroll,
With footsteps light and sure,
But now it seems I'm walking on hands,
And the path is not secure.
The world around me has been flipped,
And all that was once familiar,
Is now a jumbled mess,
As if my life's in disrepair.
I try to keep my head held high,
And put one hand before the other,
But it's hard to find my footing,
As I navigate this new cover.
Sometimes it feels like I'm tumbling down,
And my grip is slipping fast,
And I'm just barely hanging on,
As if life's a trial to last.
But still, I try to move ahead,
With determination deep inside,
Hoping that each step I take,
Will bring me closer to the light.
I know that change can be a gift,
A chance to grow and learn,
But it's hard to find the silver lining,
When the world around me's turned.
So, I'll keep on walking, hand by hand,
With a faith that never fades,
Hoping that my journey,
Will lead me to a better place.
For though it's tough to see the way,
And the path is dark and steep,
I know that I'll keep moving on,
And the climb will not defeat.



Nobody asked me, and I haven't told
The secrets that I keep locked in my soul
The pain, the fear, the hurt, the shame
All hidden behind a mask of fame
I've given up on ever being heard
My thoughts and feelings, like a prison, blurred
I wear this mask of strength and grace
But inside, I'm just a hopeless case
I've tried to reach out, but it's no use
My cries for help are just another excuse
I'm trapped in this cycle, day by day
Nobody cares, so why should I say?
I've lost all hope in myself and in others
I'm just a shell, like a withered flower
Nobody asked me, and I haven't told
But it doesn't matter.
 My story will never be told.
I'll just fade away in silence and despair
Nobody will know, nobody will care
But that's okay because it's just who I am
A lost soul in a world that doesn't give a damn

Farewell to Family

The last goodbye is said,
To parents and siblings dear,
As we hold on to the thread,
Of a love that's always near.
We say farewell to what was,
From the childhood that we knew,
But in our hearts, there's a buzz,
Of love, that will always be true.
We'll remember the laughter,
And the tears that we shared,
For in our hearts forever after,
You will always be there.
Though we may be apart,
Our bond will still remain,
For in our hearts, a part of you,
Will forever remain.
The last goodbye is said,
But it's not the end,
For in our hearts, you'll always be,
Our family, our closest friends.
We'll carry your love with us,
As we journey on ahead,
And in every step we take,
We'll know you're there, with us, in our hearts,
Until we see you again.