I look far and hard for your shining star.
Days are doomed, and nights are dark
I feel your pain, your heart so stark.
As you search for a guiding spark
A shining star to light your way.
Through the darkness and the dismay
Days are doomed, and nights are dark.
But don't give up. Keep on the mark.
For though it seems so far away
Hope can still dawn a brand new day.
Search high and low, and look within.
For the light that's always been
A flame that burns deep in your soul
And can guide you to a brighter goal.
It's okay to feel lost and alone.
But don't forget, you've always.
grown Stronger with each trial and test
And that strength can help you find your best
So keep on searching, far and wide.
And don't let the darkness be your guide.
Though the road may seem so long
Your shining star is never truly gone.