
Navigating Loneliness


 Loneliness is a complex and multifaceted emotion that can be caused by various factors. It is a state of mind characterized by isolation, emptiness, and a lack of social connections. Loneliness is not only an emotional state but also a social one, as it is often the result of a lack of social connections or a sense of belonging.

One of the most common causes of loneliness is social isolation. People who lack regular social interactions and connections with others may feel lonely. This can happen for various reasons, such as geographical distance, retirement, or losing a loved one. Social isolation can also be caused by mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety, making it difficult for people to form and maintain relationships, leading to feelings of loneliness.

Another common cause of loneliness is grief and loss. Losing a loved one, whether through death or other means, can lead to feelings of loneliness. This is because the person may have been a source of emotional support and companionship, and their absence can leave a void in one's life.

Moving to a new place can also cause feelings of loneliness. Starting a new life in a new city or country can be challenging and may cause feelings of loneliness, especially if the person is leaving behind a close-knit community. This can happen when someone moves away for work or study or even if they relocate with their family.

Symptoms of loneliness can vary from person to person, but some common signs include the following:

Persistent feelings of sadness, isolation, or emptiness

Difficulty sleeping or oversleeping

Lack of interest in social activities

Difficulty concentrating or making decisions

Thoughts of self-harm or suicide

Managing loneliness can be challenging, but several strategies may help. Some effective methods include:

Building social connections: Joining a club, group, or class that aligns with your interests can be a great way to meet new people and form friendships. It's also essential to make an effort to maintain existing relationships, whether through regular phone calls, text messages, or social media.

Volunteer: Volunteering for causes you care about can be a great way to connect with others and feel a sense of purpose.

Online communities: There are many online communities and forums where people who feel lonely can connect with others who understand and can relate to their experiences.

Therapy: A therapist or counsellor can help you understand and cope with your loneliness and develop strategies for building connections and improving your relationships.

Self-care: Engaging in activities that promote well-being, such as getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and practising stress management techniques like mindfulness and yoga, can also help manage loneliness.

It is important to remember that loneliness is a normal emotion everyone experiences at some point. However, when it becomes chronic, it can harm our mental and physical health. Loneliness has been linked to various mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, as well as physical health issues, such as an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. If you or someone you know is struggling with loneliness, it is essential to seek help from a mental health professional. There are many effective strategies for managing loneliness, and with the proper support, people can learn to build connections and improve their relationships.

Living Authentically

How to Break Free from Seeking Approval

Are you someone who constantly seeks approval from others? Do you need someone to push or tell you you can do it? If so, you're not alone. Many people struggle with the need for external validation, and it can be a challenging habit to break.

The need for approval can stem from various sources, including childhood experiences, cultural norms, and personal insecurities. In addition, it can manifest in different ways, such as constantly seeking validation from others, people pleasing, or avoiding disapproval at all costs.

While seeking approval can be beneficial in certain situations, such as building relationships or achieving career success, it can also be problematic when it becomes the sole motivator for our actions. If we constantly seek approval from others, we may lose touch with our values, principles, and goals. We may also become overwhelmed, overworked, and unable to refuse others' requests.

In this situation, taking a step back and evaluating why you seek approval is essential. Ask yourself questions like: What do I value? What keeps me awake at night? How do I prefer to spend my time? You can live a more fulfilling and authentic life by listening to what you genuinely want and aligning your actions with your values, principles, and goals.

Here are some tips for breaking the cycle of seeking approval:

First, be honest with yourself: When you take on a new commitment, evaluate whether you are doing it because it's right for you or because you want to gain approval and avoid disapproval.

Set boundaries: Learn to say no when a request doesn't align with your values or goals. Setting boundaries can be challenging, but it's essential for living a more authentic life.

Practice self-care: Make time for yourself and prioritize activities that bring joy and fulfilment. Self-care can help you reconnect with yourself and your values.

Focus on intrinsic motivation: Instead of seeking external validation, focus on intrinsic motivation. Set meaningful goals for yourself and work towards them because they align with your values and principles, not because you want someone else's approval.

Seek support: Breaking the cycle of seeking approval can be challenging, and it's okay to seek support from friends, family, or a therapist.

In conclusion, seeking approval from others can be a challenging habit to break. Still, it's essential for living a more authentic and fulfilling life. By reflecting on your values, setting boundaries, and focusing on intrinsic motivation, you can break the cycle of seeking approval and living a life aligned with your true self.