
The Journey of Life

The first word whispered soft and low,
A promise of a journey to know.
A spark of life, a brand new start, With every breath, a brand new heart.
As days pass, the words flow free, A story told a melody.
Each verse and line, a work of art, With every beat, a brand new heart.
We laugh, we love, we shed some tears,
Through joy and pain, through triumphs and fears.
But with every step we take, we learn and grow,
In this journey, we'll find out who we know.
And when the last song comes to play,
The final note, the dying day,
We'll close our eyes and take a breath,
And know that life, it knows no death.
For, in the end, the words remain,
Echoing on, forever in the refrain.
The first word, the last song,
A journey long, where we belong.
In this journey of life, we'll find our way.
With every step, we'll pave the way.
We'll leave our mark and make our stand,
And in the end, we'll hold our own hand.
So let us sing and dance and play,
For in this journey, we'll find our way.
From the first word to the last song, we'll shine so bright,
And in our hearts, our journey will always ignite


Empty Hand

I hear your sorrow in your words.
As you mourn what once was yours, Happiness,
Now lost and gone Leaving you with a heart so forlorn.
The coldness creeps into your days.
A chill that never goes away
Eternity looms in front of you.
And the weight of it feels so true.
You search and search for what was lost.
But it seems that Happiness has been tossed.
Far away from where you stand
Leaving you with an empty hand
But do not give up, my dear friend.
For Happiness can be found again.
Though it may seem out of sight
It still exists within your own light.
It's okay to grieve what was before
But don't let it keep you from exploring more.
New joys can still be found.
And with them, Happiness can abound.
So take a step and look around.
See the beauty that surrounds
Open up your heart once more.
And let Happiness come to your door.