
Empty Hand

I hear your sorrow in your words.
As you mourn what once was yours, Happiness,
Now lost and gone Leaving you with a heart so forlorn.
The coldness creeps into your days.
A chill that never goes away
Eternity looms in front of you.
And the weight of it feels so true.
You search and search for what was lost.
But it seems that Happiness has been tossed.
Far away from where you stand
Leaving you with an empty hand
But do not give up, my dear friend.
For Happiness can be found again.
Though it may seem out of sight
It still exists within your own light.
It's okay to grieve what was before
But don't let it keep you from exploring more.
New joys can still be found.
And with them, Happiness can abound.
So take a step and look around.
See the beauty that surrounds
Open up your heart once more.
And let Happiness come to your door.

The Power of Mood Journaling

How to Track and Improve Your Emotional Wellness

Mood journaling is a simple yet powerful tool that can help individuals better understand and manage their emotions. It involves regularly recording your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours in a journal or notebook. Tracking your moods over time allows you to gain insight into patterns and triggers and develop strategies to improve your emotional well-being.

Why Mood Journaling is Beneficial

  1. Increased self-awareness: Mood journaling can help you become more aware of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. This increased self-awareness can help you identify patterns and triggers contributing to negative moods.
  2. Improved emotional regulation: By tracking your moods over time, you can develop strategies to manage and improve your emotional well-being. For example, if you feel more anxious after spending time on social media, you may decide to limit your social media usage.
  3. Increased insight: Mood journaling can also help you gain insight into the underlying causes of your emotions. For example, suppose you notice that you tend to feel depressed after specific events or interactions. In that case, you may begin to identify patterns that can help you understand the underlying causes of your depression.
  4. Helps in therapy: Mood journaling can be a valuable tool. It can provide insight into patterns and triggers that may be addressed in therapy sessions and serve as a record of progress.

How to Mood Journal

  1. Choose a journal or notebook: You can use a traditional paper journal or a digital journaling app. The important thing is to choose a format that you will be comfortable using regularly.
  2. Set aside time to journal: Set aside a regular time each day. It could be first thing in the morning, last thing at night, or at a time that works best for you.
  3. Be specific: When journaling, describe your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours. Instead of just writing "I feel sad," write "I feel sad because I had an argument with my friend."
  4. Track patterns and triggers: Pay attention to patterns and triggers in your moods. For example, do you feel anxious after spending time on social media? Do you feel depressed after specific events or interactions?
  5. Use your journal as a tool for self-reflection. Reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours and consider how they may impact your emotional well-being.
  6. Seek help if necessary: If your mood journaling highlights patterns and triggers that negatively impact your emotional well-being, it may be helpful to seek professional help. A therapist or counsellor can provide guidance and support as you work to improve your emotional well-being.

  Mood journaling is a simple yet powerful tool that helps individuals better understand and manage their emotions. It involves regularly recording your thoughts, feelings, and behaviours in a journal or notebook. Tracking your moods over time allows you to gain insight into patterns and triggers and develop strategies to improve your emotional well-being. It's important to remember that it's not just about writing down feelings but also about reflecting and seeking help if necessary.