
Love and Grief: Two Sides of Life's Coin

Love and grief are intertwined,

Two sides to a coin that we find,

 One cannot exist without the other, 

For it's the depth of love that we discover.

We cannot avoid the pain of loss,

 Nor can we dismiss the emotional cost,

For the depth of our love is measured,

In the grief that we feel when it's treasured.

Our past can hold us back,

The patterns we repeat are like a track,

But it's up to us to break free,

To create a life that's meant to be.

We must confront the negative patterns we've learned,

And let go of the pain that we've earned,

For it's only in releasing the past,

That we can truly live and last.

Take the time to explore your discontent,

Identify the source and make a dent,

In the barriers that hold you back,

For it's your life, and that's a fact.

Love and grief may seem like a heavy load,

But it's through them that we grow and behold,

The beauty of life and the depth of our soul,

As we journey forward and become whole.

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