
Authentic Relationships


Prioritizing Values over Ego and Cultivating Self-Respect for Deeper Connections

We often desire fulfilling relationships and friendships, secure our dream jobs, and become the partners, workers, parents, and citizens we aspire to be. However, problems arise when our ego drives us instead of our deepest values. For example, we may wish for others to willingly submit to our wants or cooperate, react to others rather than act in our long-term interests, and desire power over value in our close relationships. These ego-driven behaviours can cause our egos to become more significant than our values.

Our ego is a combination of how we prefer to think and feel about ourselves and how we want others to perceive us. It is a feeling of superiority over others and obstructs open-mindedness by rejecting other personalities and viewpoints. While self-respect involves maintaining our confidence and boundaries when mistreated, seeking favourable reactions from others is just the icing on the cake. We must focus on what we want to give rather than what we want to take to feel authentic. True self-value comes from the amount of value we create, and the same applies to self-respect. We need to give value and respect to others to receive it, as opposed to self-centred behaviour, where we prioritize our desires and wish to be treated well regardless of how we treat others.

When it comes to love, we often approach it from a self-centred perspective, thinking we have a hole inside that someone else must fill. This illusion makes us vulnerable to manipulation and exploitation as we seek lovers with tiny cups to fill our perceived "holes." People with big cups- a lot to give- tend to look for others with big cups so they can receive as much as they give. Those with small cups seek lovers with big holes who may settle for whatever little they can give. Therefore, big holes attract small cups, leading to self-abuse and abuse of others.

Examples of ego-driven behaviour in relationships:

  • Wanting     to be right all the time and refusing to compromise in arguments
  • Expecting     your partner to prioritize your needs above their own
  • Feeling     threatened by your partner's successes or accomplishments
  • Refusing     to apologize or take responsibility for your mistakes
  • Comparing     your relationship to others and wanting to appear superior

Tips for prioritizing values over ego in relationships:

  • Practice     active listening and try to understand your partner's perspective
  • Be     willing to compromise and find solutions that work for both of you
  • Celebrate     your partner's successes and accomplishments
  • Take     responsibility for your actions and apologize when necessary
  • Appreciate     the unique aspects of your relationship without comparing it to others

The importance of self-respect in relationships

Self-respect is crucial in maintaining healthy boundaries and relationships. It involves recognizing your worth and setting clear standards for how you want to be treated. Without self-respect, it's easy to fall into people-pleasing patterns or allow others to mistreat you, which can lead to resentment and unfulfilling relationships.

Authenticity in relationships: 

Being authentic in relationships means being true to yourself and expressing your thoughts, feelings, and values honestly. It involves being vulnerable and open to connection while setting boundaries and communicating your needs. Authenticity allows for deeper, more fulfilling connections, fostering trust and mutual respect between partners.

Challenges to authenticity and self-respect: 

It is essential to recognize that prioritizing values and authenticity in relationships can be challenging. Societal pressures, past experiences, and personal insecurities can all impact our ability to be authentic and set healthy boundaries. Therefore, practising self-reflection and seeking support from loved ones or a therapist is essential to overcome these challenges.

Overall, prioritizing values over ego, practising self-respect, and being authentic in relationships can lead to more fulfilling connections with others. By recognizing our worth and setting clear standards for how we want to be treated, we can cultivate more profound, meaningful relationships based on mutual respect and understanding. In conclusion, it's essential to prioritize our values over our ego, focus on what we can give, and seek authentic connections rather than filling perceived "holes." Genuine self-respect comes from giving value and respect to others, leading to fulfilling relationships and a more fulfilling life.

12 Unique Life Resolutions/Habits to Improve Your Life Today

 As we go through life, it's easy to fall into certain habits and routines that can hold us back from reaching our full potential. Of course, we all know that we should exercise more, eat healthier, and manage our finances better, but there are other habits that we can cultivate that can be just as valuable.

Here are 12 unique life resolutions/habits that can help you improve your life today:

  1. Intentionally laugh every day - Laughter has been proven to reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and exercise muscles. But, more importantly, it can change your outlook on life and bring you joy and hope. So make it a point to practice laughter daily, especially on tough days.
  2. Practice solitude - Find time to be alone in quiet regularly. No books, no music, no outside voices. Just you alone with yourself. This habit can help you discover things about yourself you never knew and give you a better understanding of who you are.
  3. Make gratitude a discipline - Express gratitude to someone or something each day. Gratitude refocuses our attention away from what we don't have and redirects it towards what we do. As a result, it naturally causes contentment and generosity to spring up in our lives.
  4. Slow down - Take the time to slow down, whether while driving or in your daily activities. Life is not a race; by slowing oy the journey and being more present.
  5. Fast one by slowing down day each month - Fasting has been practised in nearly every religious tradition, teaching us self-control, self-denial, and sacrifice. It can also heighten our senses and give us a better appreciation for the things we have.
  6. Adopt a "Do it Now" mentality - Procrastination can result in unnecessary stress in our lives, so try to cultivate a habit of doing things right away instead of putting them off.
  7. Eat more vegetables - Eating more vegetables is a simple and measurable approach to achieving weight loss goals. Additionally, it gives us more energy, more self-esteem, and more opportunity to fight off illness and disease.
  8. Read classical books from different centuries - Books that have lasted centuries contain timeless human truths that can still apply today. Rediscovering how men and women approached life hundreds of years ago can give us a new perspective and help us grow.
  9. Remove pornography - Pornography can limit our capacity to appreciate the natural world and its people. By sacrificing the temporal pleasure of pornography, we can live a life that can better appreciate the simple joys of the people and relationships around us.
  10. Go to bed earlier - Changing just the first hour of your day changes the remaining 23, and the best way to change the first hour is to get a good night's sleep. In addition, going to bed earlier may surprise you with how it naturally benefits other areas of your life.
  11. Give to a charity - Pick and donate to a cause you believe in. The act of giving can bring joy not only to yourself but to others as well. If you can spread that much joy by filling out a check, just imagine the joy you'll spread if you volunteer your time and talents.
  12. Date your spouse - Take your spouse/partner on a date at least once a month. This can help you have fun, reconnect, and strengthen your union. It doesn't have to cost much, as plenty of low-cost or free date ideas exist.

These unique life resolutions/habits may not be mainstream, but they can be just as valuable in helping you live a life with full potential.